Novel Antennas for RFID Applications
Session Organizers:
Z. N. Chen, National University of Singapore, Singapore
G. A. Casula, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy
R. Colella, Università del Salento, Italy
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology has recently attracted significant interest in many applications, especially in the UHF frequency band, where devices operate in the far-field region, allowing long haul links. Several design challenges are associated with RFID technologies, including operation frequencies, the influence of the surrounding environment and of the materials where the tag is usually attached to, antenna design and miniaturization, and conforming to international safety guidelines. Different fabrication methods are available for realizing flexible, conformal, and robust RFID device prototypes. Authors are invited to submit recent advances in antennas for RFID applications in the UHF frequency band, including new configurations of tag antennas and reader antennas (both linear, dual and circular polarization).